15 Best Discord Bots To Enhance Your Server [2022]

For the gaming community, best discord bots or discord is the most popular platform for the chat. Across the globe, many gamers adopted it to chat while gaming just because of its flexible nature. Yes, you can easily customize it. This robust platform is just lit. Why am I saying that? Want to know it? If yes, then you have to read this article of the top 15 best bots for discord.

As I told you, discord is highly customizable; it means you can set up your server and enhance the functionality of it. In this way, you can manage your server with some add on features. What do you say, want to know more about discord bots to enhance the server? Here is the list. Let’s dive into it.

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best discord bots

Best Discord Bots

#1. GAwesome Bot

Website: http://gawesomebot.com/

GAwesome Bot

If you are looking for the multipurpose best bots for discord, this name is one of the best suggestions for you. This powerful tool is highly customizable. It is perfectly good for the moderation of chat. The good part is here; it increases user activity by bringing up tons of features on the server. GAwesome Bot can kick, award member rank or ban along with giveaways, conduct pools, generate sick memes, and many more for fun.

From its robust extension system, you can see the results from Reddit, Google, YouTube, and Wikipedia. In short, its extension is the highlight of this bot. You can organize the RSS feed in your in-chat with a specific option.

#2. Tatsumaki

Website: https://www.tatsumaki.xyz/


If you have a question about how to make a good discord server, then my friend, you do not need to do it. Tatsumaki, an extremely capable Discord bot, is here for you. It is used by many online game streamers. You can use the command from hundreds of commands available for setting welcome messages, moderation, notifications, and several other.

Along with the discord, you can change bot’s settings from the dedicated dashboard. This thing is welcomed and loved by many gamers. Through this tool, you can search the web and stay up to date with your RSS feed — no more need to exit your Discord.

Another exceptional feature of Tatsumaki is its incentive system that offers users to earn levels and XP. In this way, it also pushes the users to stay active on the server. Your level in a discord server is shown in a full visual pleasing card. Due to this visual card, you can try to interact with other users often. If you want to customize the appearance of your card, invest some real money, and you can do the same.

#3. Dyno Bot

Website: https://www.dynobot.net/

Dyno Bot

If you are looking for some good discord bots, Dyno Bot is one of the names on the list. Whether you have set up your new discord server, or need discord for your old one, this software will be your first choice that installs on your server. It has some amazing upgrade capabilities. This feature-rich bot offers complete control with its dedicated dashboard and features. It includes auto-moderation with Mod log, bans, and timed mutes. If you want, you can upgrade it to raid spam or mass mention in your community chats.

What I like is its Cleverbot integration that can be used to watch google results, stream music from YouTube, and overwatch status. Dyno is also beneficial for hosting custom announcements when someone banned, leaves, or join the server. It can also post AFK status and assign roles to users.

#4. MeMezBot

Website: https://discordbots.org/bot/593139365736349707


Well, who don’t want to get some funny discord bots and rock on the floor with its amazing features and functionality on your server. MeMezBot is the same. You will love it if you are looking for the same, it is interesting. It is the best bot to share some of the memes on dank with your discord community. Don’t you interested in it? Some others are also there to share. Some of the popular memes include doggo, Pepe the frog, cute cats, and more. In the voice channel, you can share a random voice, your story or some one’s life, etc. For all the fun-loving people here, MeMezBot is an ideal choice.

#5. Zandercraft

Website: http://zandercraft.cf/


When someone asks me to share the name of my favorite discord bot, my first name is Zandercraft. It is packed with lots of functions and commands that highlight GIFs, productivity, chat, and fun. However, the highlight of this bot is not some funky things but its ability to play hi-fi, ultra HD music. So if you are music geek, go and grab this bot for discord.

You can connect it to your voice channel forever and whenever you tried to listen some tunes, you need to enter an easy command: ‘+music’ <play/pause> that paly or pause the music. Even you can add the song in the playlist by command: +request . Yes, it can fetch the music from YouTube and Soundcloud.

#6. GameStats

Website: https://gamestats.gg/


I think the name GameStats is enough for the gamers who want the best discord for bots. Set up a profile of your gaming aliases and share the stats with friends with this bot. You can see your stats from multiple games such as Rust, PUBG, Paragon, World of Worships, Rainbow Six: Seige, Xbox Live, and many others.

However, the command is different than the other name in this list, and hence, you need some time to understand it, but once you get it, you are ready to go! Some of the examples are created profile by typing “.gs profile’, ‘.gs accounts’ to check what this bot supports all accounts, and ‘.gs add uplay’ is used to add a game account.

#7. Typical Bot

Website: https://typicalbot.com/

Typical Bot

Do not go with the name because the typical bot is powerful yet easy to use the bot in real. You will find all the tools, functions, and features required for moderation. Whether it is kicked, ban, soft ban, or announcement, you can do it all on your server. There are some fun features also along with mini-games and songs. Songs can be streamed via YouTube.

Do not worry; it is not like anyone can play the music. You have complete control over it, and it requires admin permission to do so. You can set the queue or skip the songs. Do not forget the dog pictures, random jokes, swoon-worthy cat, and other important information like ServerID, ChannelID, and more. It is one of the powerful, worthy, and funny discord bots.

#8. TriviaBot

Website: http://lakeys.net/triviabot/


If you want to use your discord bot for the voice chat or post-game discussion, then try your hand over TriviaBt. It offers countless fun times with your gaming community. The bot is simplistic, and it needs three commands to handle it.

Type trivia help and check all the commands that you need for a specific action. Type trivia start and start the game and choose the topic for the questions from trivia categories. Simple!

Its multiplayer trivia game has more than 3000 questions and 24 categories. Out of all categories like film, manga to sports, television, nature, science, you can choose any of your knowledge and interest and start a discussion. It is fun to learn something new, and TriviaBot offers you the same!

#9. RuneInfo

Website: https://runeinfo.xyz/ri/


You can resemble the action of this discord bot with its name. Yes, you guess right, it allows you to play all Runescape games on your server. With this bot, you can play a fantasy MMORPG game inside a messaging client. Hey, don’t doubt my words, it is true. I had played it. It offers a total of 113 commands that enable you to play the games with your friends and fellows on the server.

You also get 9/9 Nemi forest, portable locations, full price, GE additional trackers along with Old School RuneScape commands. The developers have put lots of effort to ported the game and made it accessible via a few simple commands.

#10. GuildedBot

Website: https://www.guilded.gg/


For team player gamers, my only recommendation is GuildedBot. Why? Because with it you can play games like World of Warcraft, PUBG, and DOTA 2. With this tool, you can recruit new players to complete the mission together and improve the abilities of new players.

Within the dashboard, you can manage the team’s activities. It includes sync and accessibilities via Discord bot in your server. You can enhance your server by recruiting, adding discussing tools, and scheduling.

Not only this, but you can also post all the updates and share them with others. It supports PUBG, GO, WoW, Overwatch, League of Legends, Destiny, Minecraft, Dota 2, Call of Duty, FFXIV, Heroes of the Storm, and many more amazing games.

#11. Fredboat

Website: https://fredboat.com/


Another name in the list of funny discord bots is Fredboat. This name is Jack of the cards due to its specific functionality. The function is to play music. Yes, Fredboat can play music from SoundCloud, YouTube, direct links, Bandcamp, twitch, and many more. You can set a playlist on your own and play it with this bot without any interruption.

Search functionality is another great feature. It means to search the name of the song, and this tool will find it for you to play. From the five different options, you can choose the desired version you want to play. Install this bot, if you want to enjoy the music on your server in the gaming flow.

#12. MEE6

Website: https://mee6.xyz/


I know MEE6 is a little weird to name for common people, but for the gamers, nothing is weird. It is a powerful discord bot with a bunch of commands and full control over your hand. You can set different commands such as send a welcome message to new members, send a message in the current channel, assign or remove roles, create a leveling system, remove members, etc. It allows the users to create automated actions for managing some problematic users.

Based on the number of infractions or moderator users who are trying to spam the server, you can set the penalties like banning them, punish them, or remove them. Even when the favorite game streamer comes online, you can send the notification on your server. Don’t miss this boat; otherwise, you are surely missing some excitement on your server.

#13. Discord Translator

Website: https://nvu.io/en/bots/discord-translator/?source=post_page—–d332b7f828ac———————-

Discord Translator

The language barrier can’t stop anyone today, and it is true in the gaming world. As the name suggest discord translator remove all the walls that stop the players from playing their favorites games in the community just because of the language.

These good discord bots allow the users to type their message in their native language and translate it in the language you want. Now, no more language barrier in the gaming community while other members are hanging out on your server.

With a simple and single command, you can translate your message in multiple languages instantly. It is nothing less than great. If your discord server is packed with games from different localities and nations, install discord translator without a second thought.

#14. Miki

Website: https://miki.ai/


Miki is fun, as well as a powerful discord bot. And when it comes to feature reach name in discord bots, no one can replace Miki. With it, you can get full control of your discord server. You can make level based roles, gives incentives to fellow members, and control your server completely. As a result, it raises positive competition.

There are tons of moderation tools available in the Miki that allow you to obliterate the chats and some problematic individuals from it. The leader board structure is one of the notable and best features. Members can gain points based on their activity and send messages and collect daily bonuses and many more things.

The great part is in a game of blackjack; the members can gamble with their gained points. It also offers an enjoyable experience ad chance to win experience points. I want to say it is great for you and your fellow members.

#15. Discord Dungeons

Website: https://discorddungeons.me/

Discord Dungeons

Are you thinking of bringing the RPG game not only on your pc but on your server too? If yes, then your search will end here with our last name on this list. Yes, you have read correctly. Dungeons are the ones that can bring your adventures on your discord server.

As the game is running on the browser, you can play on the browser with the mobile application or desktop application. It designed for a single player, but you can share it with your friends without any restrictions and play with them.

When you play with other discord dungeons members or friends, you can also compete against them and trade with friends or members. The great part is its frequent updates and access to hours for gameplay. According to me, if you are looking for uniqueness, you should at least check it once.


You have just go through the list of best discord bots. From the names and their features, you can see which one you like to opt for. With it, you can do a lot more things on your servers. And if you are part of a great community, it is great to share some important notes with other members. Do not skip the thought of getting the best cool discord bots. All these are my thoughts, now what about you? Share it in the comment box without a miss.

Happy gaming!

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