Best Microsoft Word Keyboard Shortcuts Keys [2022]

Are you an expert user of Microsoft Word? If no, then here in this article you will have detailed information about Best Microsoft Word Keyboard Shortcuts Keys to Make Your MS Word Life Easy.

Normally every back-office staff in the companies is engaged with MS Word and MS Excel. They have to manage their work to be completed within the timeline. To Overcome this fast work experience, you should know about Microsoft Word Shortcuts. With these Shortcuts Keys, you can manage your work with a short period.

Well, I have shared all shortcuts keys detailed which is not possible to memorize. So, you should take a print-out of them and stitch at your workplace. By doing daily practice you will be habituated with them.

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Microsoft Word Keyboard Shortcuts Keys

Here is the list of Microsoft word keyboard shortcuts.

Microsoft Word Keyboard Shortcuts Keys

#1. General Program Shortcuts

Possibly these general Program Shortcuts will be known by you. Because almost everyone is using these short keys in daily routine work. These Short Keys will help you out to undo your last action, taking the print out, Save the Documents, etc.

  • Ctrl+N: Create a new document
  • Ctrl+O: Open an existing document
  • Ctrl+S: Save a document
  • F12: Open the Save As dialog box
  • Ctrl+W: Close a document
  • Ctrl+Z: Undo an action
  • Ctrl+Y: Redo an action
  • Alt+Ctrl+S: Split a window or remove the split view
  • Ctrl+Alt+V: Print Layout View
  • Ctrl+Alt+O: Outline View
  • Ctrl+Alt+N: Draft View
  • Ctrl+F2: Print Preview View
  • F1: Open the Help pane
  • Alt+Q: Go to the “Tell me what you want to do” box
  • F9: Refresh the field codes in the current selection
  • Ctrl+F: Search a document
  • F7: Run a spelling and grammar check
  • Shift+F7: Open the thesaurus. If you have a word selected, Shift+F7 looks up that word in the thesaurus.

#2. Navigating Shortcuts Keys

As its name implies “Navigate”, These short Keys will help to navigate directly from the keyboard without using Mouse. Sometimes it is annoying to Navigate any word in your document by using mouse repeatedly. But if you know the keyboard shortcut keys then it is very easy to move around your entire document.

  • Left/Right Arrow: Move the insertion point (cursor) one character to the left or right
  • Ctrl+Left/Right Arrow: Move one word to the left or right
  • Up/Down Arrow: Move up or down one line
  • Ctrl+Up/Down Arrow: Move up or down one paragraph
  • End: Move to the end of the current line
  • Ctrl+End: Move to the end of the document
  • Home: Move to the beginning of the current line
  • Ctrl+Home: Move to the beginning of the document
  • Page Up/Page Down: Move up or down one screen
  • Ctrl+Page Up/Page Down: Move to the previous or next to browse object (after performing a search)
  • Alt+Ctrl+Page Up/Page Down: Move to the top or bottom of the current window
  • F5: Open the Find dialog box with the “Go-To” tab selected, so you can quickly move to a specific page, section, bookmark, and so on.
  • Shift+F5: Cycle through the last three locations where the insertion point was placed. If you just opened a document, Shift+F5 moves you to the last point you were editing before closing the document.

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#3. Selection ms word shortcuts keys

Many times, to select your word from your document, you will need to use Mouse. It is quite annoying if it is frequently used. So, by using ms word shortcuts keys for selection purposes, you can enhance your MS word Skill. Here is the list of these shortcuts’ keys.

  • Shift+Left/Right Arrow: Extend your current selection by one character to the left or right
  • Ctrl+Shift+Left/Right Arrow: Extend your current selection by one word to the left or right
  • Shift+Up/Down Arrow: Extend selection up or down one line
  • Ctrl+Shift+Up/Down Arrow: Extend selection to the beginning or end of the paragraph
  • Shift+End: Extend selection to the end of the line
  • Shift+Home: Extend selection to the beginning of the line
  • Ctrl+Shift+Home/End: Extend selection to the beginning or end of the document
  • Shift+Page Down/Page Up: Extend selection down or up to one screen
  • Ctrl+A: Select the entire document
  • Ctrl+Shift+F8: Selects a column. Once the column is selected, you can use the left and right arrow keys to extend the selection to other columns.

#4. Editing MS Office Shortcuts Keys

Editing shortcuts keys means that you can copy, paste or delete the word which is wrongly written by you. By using a mouse, it is a somewhat lengthy process. Ut if you have MS Office Shortcuts Keys knowledge, then you can manage it with ease. Here is the list of editing MS Office Shortcuts Keys.

  • Backspace: Delete one character to the left
  • Ctrl+Backspace: Delete one word to the left
  • Delete: Delete one character to the right
  • Ctrl+Delete: Delete one word to the right
  • Ctrl+C: Copy or graphics to the Clipboard text
  • Ctrl+X: Cut selected text or graphics to the Clipboard
  • Ctrl+V: Paste the Clipboard contents
  • Ctrl+F3: Cut selected text to the Spike. The Spike is an interesting variant on the regular clipboard. You can keep cutting text to the Spike and Word remembers it all. When you paste the Spikes contents, Word pastes everything you cut, but places each item on its line.
  • Ctrl+Shift+F3: Paste the Spike contents
  • Alt+Shift+R: Copy the header or footer used in the previous section of the document

#5. Character Formatting Shortcut Keys for MS Word

If you are Making a report on MS word then you need to formatting of words according to their use is necessary. In Detail report, Font size, Bold Fonts, and other fonts play a vital role. To make this process faster using the keyboard you need to know some Shortcuts Keys for MS Word. Here is the List of Character Formatting Shortcuts keys for MS Word.

  • Ctrl+B: Apple bold formatting
  • Ctrl+I: Apply italic formatting
  • Ctrl+U: Apply underline formatting
  • Ctrl+Shift+W: Apply underline formatting to words, but not the spaces between words
  • Ctrl+Shift+D: Apply double underline formatting
  • Ctrl+D: Open the Font dialog box
  • Ctrl+Shift+< or >: Decrease or increase font size one preset size at a time
  • Ctrl+[ or ]: Decrease or increase font size one point at a time
  • Ctrl+=: Apply subscript formatting
  • Ctrl+Shift+Plus key: Apply superscript formatting
  • Shift+F3: Cycle through case formats for your text. Available formats are sentence case (capital first letter, everything else lower case), lowercase, uppercase, title case (the first letter in each word capitalized), and toggle case (which reverses whatever’s there).
  • Ctrl+Shift+A: Formats all letters as uppercase
  • Ctrl+Shift+K: Formats all letters as lowercase
  • Ctrl+Shift+C: Copies the character formatting of a selection
  • Ctrl+Shift+V: Pastes formatting onto the selected text
  • Ctrl+Space: Removes all manual character formatting from a selection

#6. Paragraph Formatting Microsoft Word Shortcuts

While you doing paragraph writing or letter writing through Microsoft Word, then you will need to shift whole paragraph indent. If you are doing it with Mouse, then it is quite difficult to do it as fast as you can do by using the Keyboard.

  • Ctrl+M: Increases a paragraph’s indent one level each time you press it
  • Ctrl+Shift+M: Reduces a paragraph’s indent one level each time you press it
  • Ctrl+T: Increases a hanging indent each time you press it
  • Ctrl+Shift+T: Reduces a hanging indent each time you press it
  • Ctrl+E: Center a paragraph
  • Ctrl+L: Left-align a paragraph
  • Ctrl+R: Right-align a paragraph
  • Ctrl+J: Justify a paragraph
  • Ctrl+1: Set single-spacing
  • Ctrl+2: Set double-spacing
  • Ctrl+5: Set 1.5 line Spacing
  • Ctrl+0: Remove one-line spacing preceding a paragraph
  • Ctrl+Shift+S: Open a popup window for applying styles
  • Ctrl+Shift+N: Apply the normal paragraph style
  • Alt+Ctrl+1: Apply the Heading 1 style
  • Alt+Ctrl+2: Apply the Heading 2 style
  • Alt+Ctrl+3: Apply the Heading 3 style
  • Ctrl+Shift+L: Apply the List style
  • Ctrl+Q: Remove all paragraph formatting

#7. Page Editing Microsoft Word Shortcuts Keys

Page editing Microsoft Word Shortcuts Keys will help you out to add or remove the page break. By using these shortcuts you will be able to insert or remove page breaks and also you can insert a special character into your document. Here is the list of Page editing Shortcuts.

  • Shift+Enter: Insert a line break
  • Ctrl+Enter: Insert a page break
  • Ctrl+Shift+Enter: Insert a column break
  • Ctrl+hyphen (-): Insert an optional hyphen or en dash. An optional hyphen tells Word not to use a hyphen unless the word breaks at the end of a line. If it does, Word will use a hyphen where you placed it.
  • Alt+Ctrl+hyphen (-): Insert an em dash
  • Ctrl+Shift+hyphen (-): Insert a non-breaking hyphen. This tells Word not to break a word at the end of a line, even if there’s a hyphen there. This would be useful, for example, if you included something like a telephone number and wanted to make sure it all appeared on one line.
  • Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar: Insert a non-breaking space
  • Alt+Ctrl+C: Insert a copyright symbol
  • Alt+Ctrl+R: Insert a registered trademark symbol
  • Alt+Ctrl+T: Insert a trademark symbol

#8. Editing Outline or Index MS word Shortcuts Keys

If you have inserted Index or made an outline of your document and you want to draft directly as a header, then you can use the shortcuts keys to do it faster the copy paste work by Mouse.

  • Alt+Shift+Left/Right Arrow: Promote (move to the left) or demote (move to the right) a line
  • Ctrl+Shift+N: Demote an outline level to the regular body text
  • Alt+Shift+Up/Down Arrow: Move the line with the insertion point up or down in the outline
  • Alt+Shift+Plus or Minus keys: Expand or collapse text under a heading
  • Alt+Shift+A: Expand or collapse all text or headings in an outline
  • Alt+Shift+L: Show the first line of body text or all body text
  • Alt+Shift+1: Show all headings that have the Heading 1 style applied
  • Alt+Shift+any another number key: Show all headings up to that level


So, here are almost all the Microsoft Word Shortcuts Keys are mention in the above article which will enhance your capability of work at your office. If you want to make yourself a pro user of the MS Word then you should keep these shortcuts in mind.

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